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 LuvlyRae Shop

"Fierce Is The New Black"
Luvlyrae 1st performance Part 1
Luvlyrae 1st Perfomance part 2

About LuvlyRae

Music has always been a part of LuvlyRae’s life, starting from her early days singing in the church choir. It has become her voice to inspire people worldwide, encouraging them to persevere and make the world a better place. LuvlyRae finds solace and peace in writing music, using it as a tool to motivate and uplift others. Her single, “Money Up,” reflects her determination to succeed and encourages listeners to chase their dreams.

Like any artist, LuvlyRae has faced challenges in the music industry. However, she believes in trusting the process and having faith that everything happens for a reason. Her resilience and unwavering belief in herself have helped her navigate obstacles and emerge stronger. LuvlyRae’s first live performance was a memorable experience, revealing her true passion for entertaining and connecting with her audience.

Get in Touch

Luvlyrae is Fierce

"Fierce Is the New Black!"

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